Loggia Industria Vernici
Pietra Focata - Decorative Paint
Rivestimento a base di leganti sintetici e polvere di marmo, formulato con pigmenti inorganici, speciali additivi e cariche minerali inerti. Con aggiunta di polveri metalliche trasforma ogni superficie in un metallo nobile che l’applicatore può plasmare secondo la propria creatività per ottenere finiture materiche lucide in lamina metallica .Ottima resistenza ai raggi U.V. ed alle muffe.
Coating based on synthetic binders and marble dust, formulated with inorganic pigments, special additives and inert mineral fillers. With the addition of metal powders, it transforms every surface into a noble metal that the applicator can shape according to one’s creativity to obtain shiny material finishes in metal foil. Excellent resistance to U.V. rays. and at
Infinito is a material thickness coating that can be combined with different finishing effects that allow you to recreate totally different shades, luster and thickness effects. Urban marbles, scratched, spatulated, polished, from imperial marble to the most precious finishes of liquid marble. The product combinations with finishes or with other material products such as Plasma 3D and other finishes.
- Unique ref.infinito-decorative-paint
- Product familydecorative paint
- Product groupInfinito
- TypeObject (single object)
- Date of publishing2022-04-29
- Edition number1
- Product url: https://www.loggia.it/decorinfinito/
- Technical description: https://issuu.com/loggia_industria_vernici/docs/infinito_catalogo_issuu/s/15619323
- Material main: Paint
- Material secondary: Lime
- BIMobject Category: Building Materials – Paint, Varnishes & Finishes
- IFC classification: Texture
- OmniClass Number: 23-15 21 11
- OmniClass Title: Paints and Varnishes